Open the Door to Safety
The garage door is another entry into your home. In addition, thousands of injuries per year are caused by faulty installation of door openers. Follow these guidelines to ensure your door is installed properly and to keep your home secure.
- Use a recognized vendor and distributor of garage doors for sale and servicing.
- Keep your garage door locked at all times.
- Routinely lock every door connecting the garage to the house.
- Be alert to security issues when handling your garage door opener; it serves as a key to your home. Avoid leaving it unattended. Separate it from car keys if leaving keys with valet, etc.
- Test your garage door opener for safety by placing two-inch thick block of wood underneath garage door. This obstruction should trigger directional reverse. If door continues to press down against obstruction, replace or repair immediately. (This offers protection against injuries to children.)
- Mount wall control panel out of reach of children. Keep remote controls away from children.
- Arrange to have the garage door serviced annually.
- Inform all family members about potential garage door dangers.